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Current Students
Code of Conduct
City High School are committed to providing a safe and healthy learning environment for all our students. Students are expected to:
Demonstrate a commitment to learning through punctual and regular attendance, being prepared and ready to learn. This includes the submitting of all assignments and the writing of all tests, on time.
Dress in accordance with the school dress code.
Respect the authority of school staff and teachers.
Follow classroom rules and take responsibility for one’s own actions.
Demonstrate honesty and integrity. Not to participate in plagiarism, misrepresentation of original work, the use of unauthorized aids, nor the theft of evaluation instruments.
Treat one another with dignity, respect and fairness, regardless of race, culture, ethnicity, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, socioeconomic status, ability or any other attribute.
Refrain from the use of all electronic devices during class time.
Refrain from smoking on school property or while attending any school related event or activity.
Refrain from the possession of, and being under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
Avoid all forms of intimidation, harassment, racism, and discrimination.
Refrain from bullying behavior, which is considered to be any repeated, negative behavior intended on
causing fear, distress and or harm to another person’s body, feelings, self-esteem or reputation. This includes cyber-bullying.
12. Take appropriate action to help those in need, seeking assistance to resolve conflict constructively and respectfully through discussion or by seeking assistance from school personnel.
Parent and guardians are expected to:
Review the above Code of Conduct with their child and them follow and abide to our school and classroom rules
Take an active role in the education of their child and ensure that they are punctual and attends school regularly.
Report to school authorities if your child will be arriving late or will be absence from school.
School Rules & Guidelines
Students are expected to be punctual for classes. If the pupil is 10+ minutes late, students will be placed in the waiting room and must wait for the teacher’s approval to enter class. Additionally, the student is required to email the school administrator their reasoned late/ absence.
Attendance is mandatory and crucial to academic success. The student must attend at least 75% of the class to be eligible for course credit. All late/ absences will be reported to the school administrator and will be notified to parents/guardians.
Students are solely responsible to be proactive in obtaining missed materials from teachers and classmates.
Skipping and persistent late/ absences will result in disciplinary action, which includes but is not limited to: an arranged parent/ teacher conference, scheduled meeting with the Head of Programs/Head Teacher, suspension, and/ or expulsion.
All early dismissals require a signed note/ email as permission from parents or guardian. A student wishing to be dismissed early from school must their teachers and school administrator to notify the early dismissal
Should a student misses in class examinations, the student must a complete an appeal form and must be given to the school administrator for approval.
Credits will not be granted to students unless they write the final examinations. If a student misses a final examination due to illness, a doctor’s note must be received or the student will receive a zero.
Classroom Etiquette
Only one student will be permitted to leave the classroom during class hours. Students should receive permission from the teacher before leaving.
Students should not be freely roaming the classroom when class is in session, and refrain from other distractions that disturb classes in session.
Dress Code
Students are requested to dress in clothing appropriate for the school setting and promote the positive learning tone of the school. Dirty, ragged, ripped, torn or extremely tight clothing will not be tolerated in the school. T-shirts with obscenities printed on them are not allowed. Students that do not abide by the school dress code will be asked to change and parents / guardians will be notified.
Use of Electronics
All cell phones must be turned off while in class. Parents and guardians can call the school to relay a message in cases of emergency. Any students caught using their phone during class time will have their phone confiscated.
Students are not allowed to listen to their own music during class except when a teacher’s permission is given. No head phones can be worn during class and electronics will be confiscated if found used.
Students may use a laptop or tablet to take down class notes. Students will have this privilege taken away/ face consequences if they are found doing non-school related activities (E.g. playing games, watching videos, surfing social media websites)
Academic Affairs
Plagiarism will not be tolerated and will result serious consequences which includes but is not limited to: required make up assignment, an appeal form, conference with Head Teacher/ Head of Programs, automatic 0% in grade, suspension and or expulsion.
Assignments that are handed in late will receive a late penalty of 5% per day.
Assignments which are assigned to be due at the end of class and not submitted will result in an incomplete grade.
General Guidelines
The school will not be responsible for any loss or theft of personal belongings. Students are responsible on keeping their own belongings, such as phones and textbooks safe
Foul language is forbidden on school grounds.
For the respect of others, please keep the school grounds clean.
Bullying and harassment will not be tolerated on school properties. All students are expected to be respectful towards peers and all school administration.
Any student who damages or is caught stealing school property will face disciplinary action and will be required to replace the damaged or stolen articles.
There is absolutely no smoking tolerated on school property. Students found smoking will face immediately suspension.
Alcohol and illegal drugs are strictly forbidden. Students who come to school with illegal substances or in an impaired state will be immediately suspended and legal authorities will be notified.